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AEW Dynamite Results for June 4, 2021


Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Friday night, and you know what that means!

The opening contest was a real banger!

AEW World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson (with Brandon Cutler, Don Callis & The Good Brothers) vs. Death Triangle’s PAC & Penta El Zero Miedo!

“The Elite Hunter” Frankie Kazarian attacked Michael Nakazawa before the match began. The Good Brothers ran after Kaz.

PAC and Penta El Zero Miedo launched themselves over the top rope and onto The Bucks before the bell rang. We were informed that The Bucks ambushed Rey Fenix earlier in the day with a brutal assault. Perhaps the footage will be shown on BTE.

Penta El Zero Miedo rolled up Matt Jackson with a unique pinning combination, but Nick Jackson ran in to break it up. Penta El Zero Miedo nailed Matt and Nick with thrust kicks! PAC tagged in and connected with a cutter and a standing shooting star press on Matt Jackson for a near fall! PAC walloped Matt with a pump kick in the corner but then Matt rolled outside to create some distance. PAC chased after Matt, but Nick leveled PAC with a punt kick. Nick held PAC until Matt ran around the ring and dropped PAC with a lariat. Brandon Cutler cleaned off Matt’s shoes.

Matt speared PAC after PAC was distracted by Nick. Matt Jackson tried for a splash, but PAC moved. “The Bastard” blasted Nick with a brutal rolling German suplex! Penta El Zero Miedo tagged in and fought with purpose for what was done to his younger brother earlier today. He used a backstabber on Nick Jackson and then a sitting half nelson bomb on Matt Jackson! PAC tagged in and used a pop-up Liger Bomb on Matt Jackson for a two-count!

Nick Jackson spring boarded into the ring but PAC and Penta El Zero Miedo surprised him with a double thrust kick! Penta El Zero Miedo jumped off PAC’s back and connected with a huge destroyer on Nick Jackson!

PAC and Matt Jackson slugged it out on the ring apron! Penta El Zero Miedo used a package pile driver on Matt Jackson on the apron while simultaneously Nick Jackson planted PAC with a German suplex! Nick Jackson ripped off Penta El Zero Miedo’s mask but Penta El Zero Miedo had a second mask underneath it! PAC crashed onto Nick Jackson with the Black Arrow, but Matt Jackson ran in to stop the ref’s count! Brandon Cutler interfered and swung his video camera at PAC, which knocked out PAC, allowing Nick to score the pin. The Bucks were about to attempt the BTE Trigger on Penta El Zero Miedo until Eddie Kingston ran down, and The Bucks retreated!

“The Young Bucks with some yellow their on their belly,” said Excalibur.

“The World’s Strongest Man” Mark Henry was interviewed by Tony Schiavone!

Mark Henry will be an analyst for the broadcast team beginning on August 13th when AEW RAMPAGE kicks off on TNT!

Mark Henry said he’s not here to fix AEW because AEW is not broken. He’s here to turn the screws. Tony Schiavone asked if Mark Henry was going to wrestle again. “Right now, I’m not going to say yes, but Tony, I’ve got a lot left in the tank.”

Vickie Guerrero interrupted the interview. She told Mark and Tony to get out of her ring. She introduced Andrade El Idolo!!!

“I used to say I am the face of Latinos. But today I am saying I will be the new face of All Elite Wrestling,” said Andrade El Idolo!

“This is a huge surprise!” said Jim Ross.

“He’s a threat to every champion in AEW,” replied Excalibur.

“The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes & “Big Shotty” Lee Johnson (with “The Enforcer” Arn Anderson) vs. The Factory’s QT Marshall & Anthony Ogogo!

Cody wrenched on QT Marshall’s arm and then Big Shotty connected with a high dropkick on his former trainer Marshall. Ogogo tagged in and took Cody down with a belly-to-belly suplex. Big Shotty tagged in and connected with a back elbow on QT. Ogogo used a cheap shot for his team to gain the upper hand!

Cody tagged in and took the fight directly to his former friend QT Marshall! Cody monkey flipped QT halfway across the ring. Cody surprised Ogogo with a Disaster Kick on the apron! He followed up with a powerslam on QT! Cody applied the figure four on QT! As Cody had QT locked up, Ogogo wiped out Cody with a frog splash. QT dropped Cody with a diamond cutter, but Lee Johnson helped Cody break up the pinning attempt.

Cody and QT traded big right hands in the center of the ring. Aaron Solow ran to the ring and while the referee was distracted, Ogogo blasted Cody across the jaw with his right hand! QT Marshall pinned Cody after Ogogo’s dirty work!

“I shocked the world. I told you I could do it,” said QT Marshall.

“This is nothing short of a major upset,” said Excalibur.

“Tonight’s the night. Cody got beat. And we’ll never hear the end of this from QT,” added Jim Ross.

Next the Inner Circle did their Stadium Stampede “victory lap” after beating The Pinnacle at DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2021!

Jericho called Sammy Guevara the hero of Stadium Stampede. Sammy said that was a night he’d never forget, and he was glad he could help keep his brothers together.

Santana said they still had to pass The Pinnacle in the hallways. He said FTR tried to take food out of his family’s mouth, and this was far from over with The Pinnacle.

Jake Hager said all five of The Pinnacle, including Wardlow, would have to take another beating. Hager challenged Wardlow to an MMA cage fight on DYNAMITE in two weeks!

Jericho said he was still pissed off by MJF and there’s a lot of unfinished business. “MJF, you tried to end my career and possibly even my life when you pushed me off the cage at BLOOD & GUTS. I still think about it every day. I realize I have to settle the score. I must settle the score. I beat the hell out of you at Stadium Stampede, but it still wasn’t enough. Until I can ruin your career and your life the way you tried to ruin mine, this will never be over. If I’m going to continue to build AEW into the greatest pro wrestling company that it is, and it is, I must and I need to beat MJF. Pinnacle, this isn’t over. The reason is the Inner Circle never forgives and never forgets!”

Next we heard from AEW World Champion Kenny Omega and Don Callis!

Callis said they had the raw footage from the DOUBLE OR NOTHING title defense and soon they would blow the lid off the conspiracy surrounding the con job to screw Kenny out of the title.

2021 Casino Battle Royale Winner (#1 Ranked Singles Competitor) Jungle Boy & Christian Cage vs. Private Party—Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen (accompanied by Matt Hardy)!

Jungle Boy and Christian Cage worked cohesively as a tag team early on, tagging in and out and isolating Isiah Kassidy. Marq Quen tagged in and he and his partner double teamed Jungle Boy. Private Party were sent to the arena floor after a double arm drag from Jungle Boy.

Christian Cage entered the fray. Matt Hardy distracted ref Aubrey Edwards and Marq Quen used the opportunity to guillotine Cage’s neck across the top rope! Kassidy dropped Quen onto Cage with an assisted wheelbarrow splash.

“Christian Cage is in some deep water here,” said Excalibur.

Christian Cage was finally able to tag Jungle Boy, who cleaned house on Private Party! Jungle Boy turned Marq Quen inside out with a rebounding clothesline. He spiked Quen with a deep brain buster for a near fall! Jungle Boy DDT’ed Quen for a two-count!

Private Party were looking for Gin & Juice, but Christian Cage speared Kassidy and then Jungle Boy applied the Snare Trap to Quen, forcing Marq Quen to tap!

“We could be looking at the new AEW World Champion in Jungle Boy,” said Excalibur.

As Christian Cage was leaving the ring, Matt Hardy blindsided him with a Twist of Fate!

“This years-long rivalry is still simmering,” said Excalibur.

Sting and Darby Allin were interviewed by Tony Schiavone!

It began to snow in Jacksonville as Sting and Darby Allin walked to the ring!

“Last Sunday at DOUBLE OR NOTHING will be a night that I will never ever forget. That night stands up with anything I’ve done in this business. I appreciate all of you so much,” said Sting.

Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page made an appearance on the big screen, and they interrupted the interview. Ethan Page said that Sting was carrying Darby through his entire AEW career. Scorpio Sky said to Darby that he should go find someone besides Sting and see if he can prove them wrong. Sting whispered something to Darby.

“Darby is speechless,” said Jim Ross.

It was time for the Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. Championship Celebration!

Tony Schiavone welcomed Dr. Baker, along with Rebel, to the ring. Already in the ring for the celebration were Nyla Rose, TH2, The Wingmen, and The Chaos Project, among others.

“I promised you this would be the start of a whole new era. And damn was I right. D.M.D. will elevate this company to a whole new stratosphere. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to invite two people to come around for the ride with me.” Baker invited Rebel and Tony Schiavone to have a cheeseburger. Nyla Rose knocked the burgers out of their hands and then popped the party balloons, ending the celebration for Britt Baker!

Alex Marvez was backstage interviewing Eddie Kingston.

PAC and Penta El Zero Miedo told Eddie they didn’t need his help.

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Let that marinate in your brains a little bit,” replied Kingston.

Red Velvet (with Big Swole & KiLynn King) vs. The Bunny (with The Blade)!

Red Velvet dodged a sneak attack from The Bunny! Velvet stomped a mudhole into The Bunny in the corner. Red Velvet climbed to the top turnbuckle, but The Bunny knocked her down to the arena floor with a thrust kick!

“That’s a crazy woman right there,” said Tony Schiavone.

The Bunny used a sliding clothesline on Red Velvet for a near fall. Red Velvet got back to her feet with a flurry of offense on The Bunny. She rocked The Bunny with a stunner for a near fall! Red Velvet was looking for Just Desserts, but The Bunny nailed her with a thrust kick! Red Velvet ducked a right hook from The Bunny and finished her off with Just Desserts for the pin!

TNT Champion “The Best Man” Miro said he heard that Evil Uno has challenged him!

Miro said he was going to use this as a teachable moment for the rest of the locker room. “You come after somebody like me when you’re sure you can survive!”

This match will happen next Friday on DYNAMITE!

It was time for tonight’s main event!

The First Ever Bull Rope Match in AEW History!

Nick Comoroto (with Aaron Solow) vs. “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes!

It was noted that Dustin Rhodes has a 13-1 record in Bull Rope Matches in his legendary career.

The only way to win is by pinfall or submission; there will be no count outs or DQ’s.

Comoroto charged the ring and battered Dustin Rhodes. Nick Comoroto threw Dustin back into the ring. Ref Paul Turner connected the bull rope to both wrestlers.

Nick Comoroto tossed Dustin over the top rope and used the bull rope on him. Dustin Rhodes rallied back, hitting Comoroto with the cowbell on the bull rope! Fuego Del Sol jumped on Nick Comoroto’s back, but Nick flung him like a lawn dart! Dustin Rhodes planted Aaron Solow with a powerbomb! Nick Comoroto was busted open, which angered him even more. He took out his frustration on Rhodes, ramming Rhodes’ head into the steel barricade.

Dustin Rhodes showed off his Bull Rope Match experience, pulling the rope and using the leverage to slingshot Nick Comoroto into the ring post! Aaron Solow pulled a table out from under the ring. Nick Comoroto powerbombed “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes through the table!

“That table exploded underneath Dustin Rhodes,” said Excalibur.

“Any maybe Dustin’s back exploded too,” added Jim Ross.

Colton Gunn came out and brawled with Aaron Solow to even up the odds for Dustin!

Dustin used a low blow on Nick Comoroto and followed up with several lariats. Dustin Rhodes bulldogged Nick Comoroto from the second turnbuckle and then hog-tied Nick for the pin!

Be sure to catch AEW DYNAMITE next week on a special night and time on TNT—live on Friday, June 11th at 10/9c!


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